Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How Can Women Build Muscle

How women can build muscle is an interesting subject for two reasons; one: most people wonder why women would want to build muscle, and two: the perception that women can't build muscle. Both of these premises are false and there are many women today that are engaged in workout programs whether to be fit and trim or cut and defined. The truth is that there has been a perception created socially and perpetuated through the media of how women are supposed to look and we know that it revolves around the thinner the better.

There is a huge difference between thin with little or no muscle mass and being trim with good mass and tone. Once again public misconception is encouraging a physical de-conditioning that is detrimental to women as a whole. Women are being led to believe that thin is the end product and with it comes all all they could want. The truth is, most times they are robbing their bodies of the nutrients needed to stay healthy and perpetuating the myth that women are the weaker sex.

For women to build muscle they must let go of most of the misinformation they have been given and get with the reality of what it takes to condition muscles be it a man or a women. Simply put in order to get the desired results it is pretty much the same for women as it is for men. In order to get gains the muscles need to be worked to the point of fatigue and it needs to be done using adequate weight.

Nutrition is an equally important aspect of how women build muscle. Eating properly which means, very basically, removing junk foods and soda from the diet and consuming lots of complex carbohydrates, that's fruits, vegetables, and grains in as close to their natural state not with all the nutrition processed out of them. Then there is the understanding of protein, nothing in the body gets built or repaired without adequate protein. A serious body builder will eat 1.5 grams per pound of body weight, most women would benefit from eating at least 1 gram per pound of body weight. In order to process the protein more efficiently it should be consumed in smaller portions and combined with complex carbohydrates. This means 5 or 6 smaller meals a day with ample protein and carbs at each meal.

I am just learning about how women can build muscle. Click here to find out why I chose No Nonsense Muscle Building This is an excellent guide that will set you on the right path to your ideal body.

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